It's as easy as 1-2-3
The Legal Part
Before your first climb make sure to sign a waiver online, this can also be done in person but online will save you some time when you arrive!
The Money Part
You will need to purchase a day pass or a membership to climb! Check out the details below or chat with our welcome desk staff when you arrive to determine the best option for you.
The Best Part
Come on over, no booking necessary! When you arrive our certified instructors will run you through an orientation. This can take up to 25 minutes but then you are free to climb for as long as you'd like!
Never climbed before? We will show you what it’s all about! We have auto-belay devices and bouldering for new climbers, as well as dedicated belay staff on the weekends. On your first time in we will give you a gym orientation and show you what we have and how to use it!

We respect and value all people. Together, we aim to to empower and welcome climbers from every walk of life and foster a community in which everybody feels safe and included.

Climbing is more than a sport, it is a community of passionate and like-minded people. By introducing new people to the joy of climbing, or by providing a space for experienced climbers to engage with one another, we aim to support the climbing community and help it grow in Nova Scotia.

Climbing is an inherently dangerous activity, and that is always on our minds. At our facility safety is a shared responsibility, we do our part to provide reliable experiences, equipment and information and we expect you to do yours to cooperate, follow safety guidelines, and ask for help when you’re not sure!

Expert Coaching
We are passionate about climbing and want everybody to get as much out of East Peak as they can! If you want to send that next grade, we want you to as well! Our coaches are dedicated climbers with experience and passion, and they can help you achieve your goals.

First and foremost, we want East Peak to be a place where people have fun. Whether you are a child or an adult, new or experienced, we always want climbing to be a positive and engaging activity every time you visit East Peak.